10 strangest facts about your dreams

Dreams can tell us a lot about ourselves as well as help us process the world around us in a different plane.
But there is much more to dreams than just falling asleep
10 strangest facts about your dreams

Here are 10 mind blowing facts about dreams

1 Sleep Paralysis

When we enter rapid eye movement sleep, or better known as the REM stage, our brain releases a chemical in our body so that we are paralysed to movement. This makes it so we don’t act out our dreams while we’re asleep.
However, sometimes we wake up while the chemical is still active in our body and we hallucinate as well as being unable to move, thus causing the terrifying phenomenon known as sleep paralysis

2 Pleasure in our sleep

It is not uncommon for people to have orgasms while they are dreaming, especially during vivid dreams.
Given the fact that we can see, feel, and even have the sensation of touch in our dreams, it’s no surprise that there will be responses in the body to those sensations.
Sometimes these dreams can result in wet dreams for males

3 Animals dream too

Yep, when you see bingo moving his leg like he’s chasing a cat or rabbit, he might actually be having the dream his body is responding to.

Studies have shown that animals have similar brain waves to humans, while thay are in their dream cycles which indicates that your household pet may be dreaming about you dropping that steak or giving them last piece of bacon.

4 No strangers Allowed

When we dream about other people, even people we don’t think we have met, they all have faces that we have seen in our real lives.
Our brains aren’t capable of creating or visualizing a unique face, but instead it takes inspiration from faces we have seen in our waking lives.
So that creepy stranger you might see in your dreams is actually someone you have already met.

5 Men vs women

Men tend to have more aggressive dreams than women.
They tend to dream about other men as well while women tend to dream equally about both genders.
But interestingly enough, first-born males don’t have as ,many aggressive dreams, and first-born women have more aggressive dreams.
It just goes to show how similar, yet wonderfully different men and women can be.

6 So many feels

We tend to process our feelings in our dreams,  and the most common emotion we experience in our dream is anxiety.
Insecurities and fears are dominant in our dreams,  and take different forms to express itself, such as the fear of a cheating spouse or the embarrassment of showing up to work or school naked.
This is probably why some of the most common dreams include being chased by an unknown assailant and falling.

7 Dreams are plenty

On average, we have about 6-7 dreams per night.
Of course we are seldom able to remember all of them.
In a single year, we can have anywhere between 1,460-2,190 dreams. That’s a lot to process in our dreams, and if we were to remember every dreams we’ve ever had,  we’d be overwhelmed.

8 Symbolism

What we see in our dreams tend to symbolize something else that we are trying to process.
This is why numerous vooks have been written trying to explain certain things we see.
For example, if you see dirty water in your dream, it is believed that you might have a health issue that your body is trying to communicate to you.
If you dream that you are pregnant and giving birth, it might not be as simple as that you’re going to have a baby, but instead, that you are in the process of creating a new idea.

9 Dream and perception

We tend to dream according to our perception of life.
This can cause certain phenomenon in our dreams where we might not be able to dream in color, but instead in black and white.
Our perception of life can be intertwine with our dreams and outside forces can influence the course of our dreams while we sleep.
For example, a noise that might be going off in the room you’re sleeping in may be interpreted as something else in your dream, but it will have the same sound.
Think of the buzzer of an alarm clock in real-life and may be a bird or even an ambulance in your dreams.

10 Forget me not

Dreams are very forgettable.                                            
In fact, within 5 minutes of waking up, we forget over 50% of our dream.
And 10 minutes after we wake up, we forget our dreams almost entirely.
So if you want to keep a dream journal, you will want to keep it right beside your bed so you’re able to write everything down almost immediately after waking up.
  Some studies have indicated that when we remember a dream in real-life, that is why we have déjà vu.

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